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> * Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) (still dealing with them, can only make an appointment for mid-September) > * Humans Rights Association (don't even remember what they said exactly but they were useless) > * The police (said it wasn't their domain) Here are the orgs I've contacted (there could be more but I can't remember now): > Edit: thanks for your replies! I should mention that the situation has triggered my PTSD really bad, so it can be really hard for me to think straight. So old Japanese people are exempt from the law? Or is it just because I'm a gaijin? I keep hearing about strong tenant laws in Japan so why do they not apply to my case? WTF?! In the meantime I'm trying to understand this shit, I guess so I can avoid it in the future. > It's been really hard dealing with this and looking for another home for reasons but I'm trying. I did set up my spare phone as a security cam in my room, but when I came home the video was gone. > And because our agreement's in English, he's excused for having "poor English" and "being confused" (because he's also old) about what he agreed to. I contacted every number I found/was recommended, and it was all a fucking frustrating experience that resulted in the conclusion that, because the man is old, he probably only has good intentions going into the room of a single woman who lives alone in a house. > I posted previously about my landlord invading my space. Anyone ever actually have any luck enforcing their rights as gaijin? Was told he's old and probably speaks poor English so nothing to be done. Update: my landlord was coming to my house all the time and entered my room.

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